Welcome to our travel retail exclusive talent pool of job seekers.
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The job seeker will, at their own discretion, contact you.
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The JES Travel Retail Jobs Talent Pool and referral service is provided
free of charge.
Category Manager
Interested in P&C, liquor, champagne & tobacco brand, category, KAM roles with brands or retailers in the U.K..
20+ years experience in GTR.
Senior Global Marketing Manager
Interested in remote marketing roles across all GTR sectors and categories.
5 years experience in GTR
Sales manager jewellery
Interested in the luxury jewellery category ideally in Hyderabad Andhra, Pradesh India or worldwide.​​
12 years experience in GTR.
Onboard Supervisor Manager
Interested in Operational, Managerial or Training roles across all categories and sectors with flexibility regarding location. 4 years experience in GTR.
Key Account Manager
Interested in Key account manager roles in FMCG across all sectors. Ideally based in the Middle East / Asia will options to relocate.
6 years experience in GTR.
Head of
Interested in a Commercial Director role in any GTR sector or across all categories. Available to locate globally.
11 years experience in GTR
Deputy Sales
Looking for a Store Manager role in any field of retail sales. All categories can be considered and available to relocate globally for the right role.​
13 years experience in GTR.
​Deputy Head of Buying​​
Interested to hear about Head of Buying & Category Management roles in all sectors for perfumes, cosmetics, fashion and confectionery. Ideal locations would be Middle East, Singapore or Europe.
7 years experience in GTR.
Searching for GTR Director roles within fashion, watches, jewellery, perfume & cosmetics in all of the core GTR sectors. Ideal location would be in EMEA.
15 years experience in GTR.​
Regional Business Developer
Looking for Business developer, country representative or team leader management role with retailers, GTR distribution or with brands. Available to relocate globally for a suitable role.
18 years experience in GTR.
Category Manager
Looking for a new Category Manager role connected to wine & spirits, confectionery, F&B and FMCG in the airport, in-flight, cruise or ferry sectors around Europe.
Languages : German & English
3 years experience in GTR​​​​​
Director & Product Dev.
Looking for GTR Director or category management roles within the airport and in-flight sectors in the EU, UAE or HK.
Interested in the following categories : Wine, spirits, accessories, toys & leisure.
Languae : English
10 years experience in GTR.
Searching for GTR Director roles within fashion, watches, jewellery, perfume & cosmetics in all of the core GTR sectors. Ideal location would be in EMEA.
15 years experience in GTR.​
Regional Business Developer
Looking for Business developer, country representative or team leader management role with retailers, GTR distribution or with brands. Available to relocate globally for a suitable role.
18 years experience in GTR.
Category Manager
Looking for a new Category Manager role connected to wine & spirits, confectionery, F&B and FMCG in the airport, in-flight, cruise or ferry sectors around Europe.
Languages : German & English
3 years experience in GTR​​​​​
Director & Product Dev.
Looking for GTR Director or category management roles within the airport and in-flight sectors in the EU, UAE or HK.
Interested in the following categories : Wine, spirits, accessories, toys & leisure.
Languae : English
10 years experience in GTR.